What to do in the event of a cold snap?

Cold is a benign infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by different kinds of viruses.

This infection is often confused with the flu, but during the flu, aching and feverare more severe, and the person feels miserable up to the point where he or she can not go to work. Take note that antibiotics are not useful against cold, because it is caused by a virus. But they can be of help when a complication occurs, like sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection.



The symptoms affect mostly the upper respiratory tract, for example : sore throat, runny of stuffy nose, cough. Head aches and light fever can also be present. The symptoms disappear by themselves within about 10 days.






A light diet is best when having an infection like a cold. The body will then have more energy to spend on fighting off the infection instead of digesting hearty meals. Fruits, vegetables, home made soups (especially a home made chicken and noodle soup), garlic and onions should be the prime foods to eat in order to speed up recovery. Avoid overloading your system with foods rich in fat, sugar and refined products. These have a negative impact on the immune system.



Drink, drink, and drink again! Water, hot beverages like home made broths and fresh fruit juices are the best beverages to take. A fresh ginger decoction (boiled in water during 5 to 7 minutes) is also a very well known remedy to help fight off a cold. Add to it some fresh lemon and a hint of honey, and you’ll get a nice comforting beverage.



Rest is essential to help the immune system when fighting an infection. Its better to take some rest and sleep to be able to fight it off quickly, than having the infection linger for many days.


Basic advice

Wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, in order to avoid spreading the virus. Have some quality sleep: the immune system's activity may lower your energy level and it needs you to be rested in order to work properly. To limit the propagation of the virus, use you elbow to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Use a humidifier in your bedroom if you have stuffy or sore nose during the night.



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