Prices drop

  • Cure of Curcumina: 20%...

    €128.00 €160.00 -20%

    Most of the pain we feel is due to a malfunctioning digestive system. Indeed, when the body is clogged with toxins, the body reacts. It burns waste either by fever or it seeks to eliminate it by emonctory (liver, kidneys, intestines...). More significant problems arise when these natural exit doors are not sufficient. Then the body creates new ones: in rheumatism, this will result in joints that become inflamed and blocked due to the production of acids or deformed by the presence of "crystals".
    It is therefore important to empty our metabolic overflow using Hepato-detox to free the body from stored waste and toxins. The Curcumina cure that will follow will only be all the more beneficial.

  • Regu-Bile cure : 20%...

    €166.40 €208.00 -20%

    Excess food, preservatives in the diet, drug poisoning, pollution, stress carry more toxins than our emunctories can eliminate and this accumulation gradually disrupts physiological functions. Buttons, eczema, colds, sinusitis, intestinal problems... would reflect the overload that hinders our body to get rid of the waste that clogs it. Hence the interest of promoting digestive elimination by taking a course of Hepato-Detox for up to 30 days so that everything can be restored to normal. Detoxification influences overall health and improves well-being, and also enhances the effectiveness of Regu-Bile.

  • Regu-Lacta cure : 20%...

    €160.00 €200.00 -20%

    A lack of sensitivity to hunger/satiety signals can significantly contribute to weight gain and interfere with your efforts to achieve or maintain weight.
    health. Fenugreek can be a valuable complement to a weight management approach. By taking fenugreek supplements as soon as you wake up, on an empty stomach. The fibres
    naturally soluble in the seeds will swell and help to fill the stomach and, as a result, they will provide a feeling of satiety.

    Combined with a detoxification cure to promote digestive elimination, your well-being will only be improved and the effectiveness of the product (food supplement) enhanced.

  • Regu-Thyroida cure :...

    €153.60 €192.00 -20%

    The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck. She is considered as the gendarme of our body regulation. When it goes wrong, the whole body suffers the consequences. Phytotherapy can help to gently counter its dysfunction.

    However, before starting a Regu-Thyroida cure, it is essential to start by eliminating the toxins accumulated by the body and to optimize digestion with Hepato-Detox. This will improve the assimilation of phytonutrients, save energy and limit intestinal inflammation... to finally regain its vitality.

  • Toni-Chloro cure : 20%...

    €166.40 €208.00 -20%

    Excess food, preservatives in the diet, drug poisoning, pollution, stress carry more toxins than our emunctories can eliminate and this accumulation gradually disrupts physiological functions. Buttons, eczema, colds, sinusitis, intestinal problems... would reflect the overload that hinders our body to get rid of the waste that clogs it. Hence the interest of promoting digestive elimination by a cure of up to 30 days so that everything returns to normal. In addition, detoxification enhances the effectiveness of Toni-Chloro.

    This cure will help your body to be more resistant to viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

  • Valeriana cure : 20%...

    €204.80 €256.00 -20%

    Several studies have shown that sleep is a factor in well-being and health. Everyone has already experienced a bad night's sleep and the bad mood that follows the next day.

    In order to promote relaxation and sleep, it is advisable to do a valerian cure in herbal medicine in parallel with an evening diet that will not be a source of acid and a major detoxification work by the liver. Indeed, do not forget that if the body is digesting, it cannot be detoxifying, and neither can it regenerate itself later. Hence the interest of promoting digestive elimination by a cure of up to 30 days so that everything returns to normal. This will further enhance the effectiveness of the food supplement.

  • Vari-Prev cure : 20%...

    €176.00 €220.00 -20%

    It is recommended to undertake a Rena-Detox cure as an accompanying treatment for Vari-Prev. Indeed, a Rena-Detox cure makes it possible to remove the accumulations of toxins left either by allopathic drugs or by a diet that is not always healthy. In addition, kidney stimulation allows Vari-Prev to act more quickly and effectively. The combination of Rena-Detox and Vari-Prev has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of Shepherd's disease (presence of blood in the urine), as well as for the general condition of the prostate (reduction of inflammation and control of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels).