
Last time this product was added to a cart: 07/19/2019

Helps sleeping.


Sleep takes up a third of our lives! Essential for the recovery of our physical and mental strengths, it is essential to a good quality of life. Knowing how to identify the causes of sleep disorders will help you to adopt the right behaviour and reduce discomfort.

BIO-Vega’s VALERIANA capsules are primarily composed of valerian.

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Large plant with a distinctive odor, valerian has been a favorite of herbalist and other practitioners for its multiple therapeutic properties for a long time. Indeed, valerian has been used for thousands of years to treat sleep disorders, stress and anxiety.



Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) : 355 mg (6:1, QCE* 2  130 mg)

* Equivalent quantity to 2 130 mg



Cellulose, gelatin.

Non-medicinal ingredients are added to increase the bioavailability (absorption by the digestive system) of the active ingredients.



Pill box of 90 capsules


Specific References

Adults : 1 capsule 30-60 minutes before bedtime (provides a dose equivalent to 2 130 mg of Valeriana officinalis).



Cerebral stimulant



Consult a health care professional  :

if insomnia persists beyond 3 weeks (chronic insomnia).
if symptoms persist or worsen.



Do not use if you are pregnant.
Do not use if you have an allergy to Asteraceae/Compositae (daisy) family.



Consumption in combination with alcohol or any other natural health product with sedative effects should be avoided.

Valerian induces sleep. Exercise caution if operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicule or involved in activities requiring mental alertness within 2 hours of taking VALERIANA.



The BIO-Vega laboratory accompanies and guides you through the detailed sheets of its natural health products made available to the general public and health professionals (downloadable in PDF format).

General public file
Professional Data Sheets


Valerian, or Valeriana officinalis, is a plant native to Europe and northern Asia, and today naturalized all over the world. It was prescribed in Ancient Greece for treating insomnia. Romans for their part, used it to combat palpitations and arrhythmias. In Europe, valerian was recommended during the Middle Ages as a tranquilizer and sleeping pill, and toward the end of the 16th century, for treating epilepsy. It was also for this purpose that Amerindians used it in America.

The popularity and virtues of valerian have not diminished over time; it is still commonly used in herbal medicine to treat stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Valerian was shown to promote sleepiness in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, where 8 participants with mild insomnia were given valerian extract.

Other double-blind studies have shown that valerian is more effective than placebo, and that it is as effective as classical pharmaceutical treatments for insomnia.

Another study involving 82 elderly subjects with nervous behavioral disorders (including difficulty falling asleep, difficulty sleeping during the night, and rapid fatigue due to sleep disorders) showed significant improvements in falling asleep and staying asleep during the night. It also showed a significant decrease in fatigue after 14 days of treatment.

The use of valerian for treating restlessness, anxiety, and sleep disorders is recognized by the German Commission E, ESCOP, and the World Health Organization (WHO).